domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

La Banda de las Hormigas...

La Bande et les fourmies:
Au revoir,
Jean Henri!

"Thus, the Moebius strip subverts our normal (Euclidean) way of representing space, for it seems to have two sides but in fact has only one. The two sides are distinguished by the dimension of time, the time it takes to traverse the whole strip. The figure illustrates how psychoanalysis problematizes binary oppositions (love/hate, inside/out, signifier/signified, truth/appearance): the opposed terms rather than be radically distinct, are viewed as continuous with each other...


...For instance, the Moebius strip helps to understand the traversing of fantasy (la traversée du fantasme): only because the two sides are continuous it is possible to cross over from inside to outside. Yet, when passing a finger round the surface of the strip, it is impossible to determine the precise point where one has crossed over from inside to outside."

Subido por fondationcartier en 17/06/2011
Jean Giraud (a.k.a. Gir, a.k.a. Moebius) draws live on graphic tablet.
Illustrated with original music by Raphaël Giraud.
Edited by David Desrimais for the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain.


"...Lo esencial no está en el sentido final de la historia, sino en cómo transcurre. No en el argumento general, sino en disfrutar de las peripecias, no en la coherencia sino en la fragmentación, pero, paradójicamente es a través de ese caos como hallamos el sentido unificador, la coherencia y la unidad esencial de esta obra...

...Como en toda filosofía verdadera, abandonando es como encontramos, renunciando es como poseemos, viviendo los simples hechos cotidianos es como encontramos la trascendencia,
porque TODO es UNO,
pero solo el arte puede revelarlo con irracional certeza."
Fuente/Source: El Garaje Hermético: El Universo en expansión:

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